Do you need a Marketing Management Specialist or a Marketing Services Expert?
You’ve decided that you need to start “doing some marketing” so you Google ‘marketing services’ to find someone to help. Your search reveals there are many businesses out there who say they offer marketing services.
Great, you think, but how do I choose between a:
- Marketing Management Specialist – those that have experience across the full marketing function? Or a
- Marketing Services Expert – those that specialise in one field, such as SEO, online advertising, or graphic design.
To help you make the right choice, ask yourself:
- Do I have a comprehensive marketing plan with clearly defined objectives and strategies?
- Do I know what my unique selling proposition is, who my target market is and do I have someone who manages my marketing activity?
Answered YES? Well done.
You can confidently choose a marketing services expert to help you with your website development, social media or logo design. If you have a comprehensive marketing plan in place you will be able to provide all the necessary information to these experts (more on why you need a marketing plan here). This will enable them to create you a website that gets the results you want, a logo that reflects your positioning, or a social media campaign that really engages your target audience.
These experts are good at what they do but you can’t expect a website expert to help you with your brand positioning or pricing strategy. You will need to do this yourself!
Answered NO? It’s time to consider choosing a Marketing Management Specialist.
A marketing management specialist (that’s us, by the way) will be able to help you with the strategic side of developing a marketing plan, including objectives and strategies. It is important to have this in place before you start on your website, new logo, or advertising campaign otherwise you can spend money and time and not get the results you expected.
A marketing management specialist will also be able to help you choose the best expert to work with and manage the project – a real benefit if you are time poor.
Checking out their Credentials
If you decide you need a Marketing Services Expert then:
- Ask to see some of the work they have done – what websites have they developed, what logos have they designed, what successful advertising campaigns have they developed?
- If possible ask them to provide you with the results achieved – how many more leads did the new website generate, did the advertising campaign lift sales?
Marketing Services Experts will require a comprehensive brief from you; they assume you have a marketing plan and know what you brand is all about. They will deliver to your brief so make sure it’s well developed – check out these 3 reasons you need a well written brief and get started.
If you decide you need a Marketing Management Specialist then you need to ask to see their marketing CV.
- What experience have they had managing the marketing function in other businesses?
- What industries have they worked in?
- Have they grown sales, increased market share, improved profits for the brands they marketed?
Marketing management is a multifaceted business discipline and is all about ensuring your business makes a profit and meets your goals. It does this by considering the 5P’s of marketing which are Product, Promotion, Price, Place & People.
So when you decide to “do some marketing”, think carefully about whether you need a Marketing Management Specialist or a Marketing Services Expert.
InHouse Marketing are Marketing Management Specialists
We have tons of hands-on experience managing the full marketing function and developing marketing plans to ensure you sell heaps but also make a profit and uphold your values.
We can also help you choose and work with a Marketing Services Expert – the one who will deliver you a great website or logo design that will achieve the objectives outlined in your marketing plan.
With our Think ⸱ Plan ⸱ Do process applied to your business, you will have a strong, well thought-out marketing plan that is executed with excellence.